Photograph of the front of Corner Brook Baptist Church from the outside.

Organizational Documents

You can read our organizational documents, including our Constitution, By-laws, Membership Covenant, Mission Principles, Peacemaking, Church Discipline, and Restoration Policy and our Child, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Prevention Policy.

Safe Church

We especially want to highlight this policy. The purpose of the Child, Youth and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Prevention and Response Policy is to outline the principles, to reinforce the Church’s efforts and intentions in this matter, and to provide general direction for the Church’s leaders and individual members. This policy has zero tolerance for abuse in any form.

This policy will apply to each program, service, and activity organized by the Church. Every individual who is involved with such programs, services, or activity is subject to this policy. Likewise, each official office or body of the Church is also subject to this policy and must abide by it.

2023 Annual Report. The background is a photograph of Corner Brook Baptist Church.

2023 Annual Report

A photograph of the front of Corner Brook Baptist Church. The Title, "2022 Annual Report," is on the image. An abstract background overlays the image, creating various textures.

2022 Annual Report