It's The End of the World as we Know It
Groaning or Growing?
It's Easter Sunday - He is Risen!
The Cross Convinces - Good Friday Morning Service (Easter 2020)
April 9th Devotional - A Lesson from Isaiah (Easter 2020)
April 8th Devotional - The Lesson of the Towel (Easter 2020)
April 7th Devotional - Longing for the Cross (Easter 2020)
April 6th Devotional - Lesson from Lazarus (Easter 2020)
The Last Ride of a King
Good News, Bad News and Fake News
A Voice Over the Intercom
Do You Know Where You're Going?
A message concerning direction in our spiritual lives.
The First Baptist Church In Las Vegas
A comparison of various "Sin Cities" throughout history and how a place can be transformed by God's prescense.
Trinkets and Treasures
A delve into some sides of our relationship with God using metaphors and stories about knickknacks, trinkets and treasures.
Do You Know Who You Are?
A discussion of an identity crisis within the church.
The Lord our God is One
A dive into the concept of Holy Trinity, Covenant and their implications.
You Must Be Out Of Your Mind! Part 2
A continuation of last week's message detailing different strategies to let Jesus into our hearts and minds.