Some would say, “Well pastor, sometimes I mess up, I make mistakes. Some days I don’t feel so hot! Does God send me back to this jurisdiction of sin and death?” Does he revoke my passport? Am I disowned and deported? Does God accept extradition papers from Satan? We are not in the family of God based on what we have done, we are there by virtue of a new relationship with our Heavenly Father. We are adopted as His children and children make mistakes. Do we condemn our children when they make mistakes? No, we restore them.
Between the Seekers and the Saviour
A little group of Greeks came to Jesus. They wanted to see Him. When Jesus heard they were there I believe He also looked ahead to the hosts of the redeemed that He was on His way to die for. It must have been an exciting moment. By faith Jesus could see the devil wrapped in the chains Jesus had broken from humanity. He saw sin nailed to the cross; exposed for all of its ugliness and corruption. He knew the price, but He saw a new nation march out of slavery into a Promised Land purchased with His own life.
Any Plans for 2017?
There is a powerful lesson in David’s example. He gave the final years of his life preparing for the next generation. That does not mean that David neglected his kingdom because he was obsessed with the temple. Folks, we have to strengthen what we have and keep it strong because the next generation needs all the help it can get. But we also have to prepare diligently so that the next generation carries the vision to new frontiers.